Bluetooth fixes and updated CINEMOOD Interface.

Great news - we have improved the user interface and fixed some bugs in our CINEMOOD devices. Updates have affected both the 2nd device’s generation and the latest CINEMOOD TV.
Fixed bluetooth connection to wireless speakers and headphones! You can connect your favorite bluetooth speaker and headphones very easily and simply in the new version of our CINEMOOD UI in the SETTINGS / BLUETOOTH section. You can also see the devices that have been already paired with the device. The cube will automatically connect to these devices.
In applications like Netflix, Prime Video, where control is possible only with the help of a cursor-pointing device, a brief instruction on how to operate it has appeared. The instruction appears once on first launch and looks like a set of slides for reference
The special interface for the software updates has appeared. Now you can always check and install the update in a separate menu - SETTINGS / UPDATES
Found bugs fixed
How to update your device right now - please check the version in SETTINGS / MY CINEMOOD / ABOUT if you don’t have UPDATES menu in the SETTINGS. Even you will see you have the latest version, please turn off and on your device. App version number should be 5.13.112 (or higher).